Vegetarian Vitamin B12 Foods

Vegetarian Vitamin B12 foods for energy and Metabolism

Best Vegetarian Vitamin B12 foods for great metabloism and health. Adults body generally needs 2.4ug of B12 vitamin per day. It is easily generated in the body. But deficiency occurs due to indigestion, gas, bloating and Stress. Though vitamin B12 is found adequately in non vegetarian foods but it is also found plenty in many vegetarian foods. Body absorbs more B12 from vegetarian foods than from non vegetarian foods.

Vitamin B12 Normal range
Vitamin B12 requirement chart

Vitamin B12 Importance

Energy production in the Body

DNA Repair

Formation of Red Blood Cells

Smooth Functioning Of Red Blood Cells

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

Fatigue or Low Energy

Pale Skin

Yellow eyes

Low Blood count

Mouth ulcers

Weak memory / Lack of Concentration

Anxiety & Depression

Numbness and Tingling in hands and Feet

B12 Rich Vegetarian Foods

Milk and Curd

Milk helps fight vitamin B12 deficiency and promotes good health
Curd -  Best probiotic food for B12 Vitamin deficiency

1 glass of milk and butter milk have 1.2ug and 0.6ug of B12 respectively. 100 grams of curd has 0.28ug of B12. Body absorbs vitamin B12 from milk and dairy products better than from meat and fish. Probiotics like curd increases good bacteria in gut and help in absorbtion of B12.


Spinach - Best Leaf for vitamin B12
Chick Peas - Best vegetarian B12 food

Wheat Grass Juice

Wheat Grass juice made from wheat grass has lots of vitamin b12

Wheat Grass juice is amazing source of vitamin B12. Find wheat grass juice sold by top ayurvedic companies. It helps to fight B12 deficiency and help in promoting glowing skin within few days.

Moringa Leaf Powder

Drum Stick and Moringa Leaves - Best Vegetarian Vitamin B12 food

Leaves of drum stick are good source of vitamin B12 as they are rich in anti oxidants. Mix it in curry, rice and chapathi. Mix leaf powder in water and consume it. Drum sticks are also a great source of vitamin B12 and help fight deficiency.

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast - Best Food for Vitamin B12

Nutritional yaest is inactivated version of regular yeast. it is rich in B12 and many other B vitamins. 1 table spoon of nutritional yeast has 2 grams of protein and 40% of B12 daily requirement. Do not consume more than 2 table spoons per day.

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