Reduce 5 White Poisons


The below mentioned products are only poisonous if they are highly refined during manufacturing process. Replace these products with healthy alternatives if possible. Try to obtain less refined versions of these products or reduce their consumption. When the natural products are consumed they benefit the body.

5 White Poisons

White Sugar

White Salt

Maida (Refined flour)

White Rice

White milk

The above mentioned 5 white poisons have been the root cause of many health issues like cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, bone health and hyper tension.

  1. Refined white sugar has lots of calories. Generally sugar breaks down into glucose and fructose before entering into blood stream. Excess sugar is not burned in the body but is stored as fat and may leads to fatty liver and weight gain problems. White sugar causes blood sugar spikes and may lead to diabetes, cancer and heart ailments.
  2. Refined white salt in manufacturing process loses all its nutrients because of various added chemicals. Heavy processing is done to make it look good and to increase shelf life.
  3. Maida or refined flour is used in all processed foods to make them tasty, puffy, soft and crunchy. Bread items, cakes, chips and other fast foods. Maida lacks nutrients and nourishment for the body and is major cause of heart ailments.
  4. White rice which undergoes heavy polishing loses its fibre and nutrients. When consumed heavily in 3 meals not only renders harm to the body in terms of many diseases but also fails to provide good nutrition.
  5. Refined or pasteurized milk undergoes loses vitamin A, C, B 12 and beneficial bacteria.  It destroys the natural enzymes and all its phosphatase, which is essential for calcium absorption. 


Try to minimize the 5 products consumption or replace them with healthier alternatives.

Replace sugar with Mishri or Jaggery

Replace refined salt with Himalayan salt

Replace Maida with wheat flour gram flour and oat flour

Replace white rice with brown rice or less polished rice.

Get milk directly from farms or nearby cow or buffalo to ensure no chemicals are added in the milk.

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